BootstrapVue icon components are built from bootstrap-icons
v1.11.0 source SVGs. Icons are opt-in, meaning that they explicitly need to be imported in order to be used. They are not installed by default. You do not need bootstrap-icons
as a dependency.
BootstrapVue icons are not automatically installed when using BootstrapVue in your project, you must explicitly include them.
Icons inherit the current font color and font size from their parent container element. To change the color of the icon, refer to the Variants section, and to change the size of the icon refer to the Sizing section.
All icons are exported with the name in PascalCase, prefixed with BIcon. i.e icon 'alert-circle-fill'
is exported as BIconAlertCircleFill
, icon 'x'
is exported as BIconX
, and icon 'x-square-fill'
is exported as BIconXSquareFill
Module bundlers
Importing all icons:
import { Vue } from 'vue'
import { BootstrapVue, BootstrapVueIcons } from 'bootstrap-vue'
import { Vue } from 'vue'
import { BootstrapVue, IconsPlugin } from 'bootstrap-vue'
Importing specific icons:
Making them globally available:
import { Vue } from 'vue'
import { BootstrapVue, BIcon, BIconArrowUp, BIconArrowDown } from 'bootstrap-vue'
Vue.component('BIcon', BIcon)
Vue.component('BIconArrowUp', BIconArrowUp)
Vue.component('BIconArrowDown', BIconArrowDown)
Or if using in specific pages or components:
import { BIcon, BIconArrowUp, BIconArrowDown } from 'bootstrap-vue'
export default {
components: {
props: {
If you are using only BootstrapVueIcons
or IconsPlugin
in your project, you can also just import the required icons CSS, rather than the full Bootstrap and BootstrapVue SCSS/CSS.
import { BootstrapVueIcons } from 'bootstrap-vue'
import 'bootstrap-vue/dist/bootstrap-vue-icons.min.css'
Or if using the icons SCSS source:
import { BootstrapVueIcons } from 'bootstrap-vue'
import 'bootstrap-vue/src/icons.scss'
BootstrapVue icons SCSS/CSS does not depend on any Bootstrap SASS variables, mixins, functions or CSS classes (other than the Bootstrap text-{variant}
text color utility classes, if using the variant
prop). Please note that the icons CSS is also included in the main BootstrapVue SCSS/CSS files. Animations effects require BootstrapVue custom SCSS/CSS.
Icons are not installed by default in the UMD browser build, so you must explicitly include the icons library:
<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="//" />
<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="//" />
<script src="//"></script>
<script src="//"></script>
<script src="//"></script>
If using just the icons:
<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="//" />
<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="//" />
<script src="//"></script>
<script src="//"></script>
Icon components
You can either uses individual icon components, or use the icon helper component <b-icon>
, to place icons in your project templates.
All individual icon components are prefixed with the name <b-icon-{name}>
, where {name}
is one of the icon names listed in the Icons section above.
Using individual icon components:
<div class="h2 mb-0">
Using the <b-icon>
helper component:
<div class="h2 mb-0">
<b-icon icon="arrow-up"></b-icon>
<b-icon icon="exclamation-triangle"></b-icon>
Note: when using <b-icon>
, you must also import the required individual icon components, unless you are using the IconsPlugin
or BootstrapVueIcons
By default, icons inherit the current text color of their parent element. All icon components provide a variant
prop to apply one of the Bootstrap contextual text variant colors:
<div class="h2 mb-0">
<b-icon icon="exclamation-circle-fill" variant="success"></b-icon>
<b-icon icon="exclamation-circle-fill" variant="warning"></b-icon>
<b-icon icon="exclamation-circle-fill" variant="danger"></b-icon>
<b-icon icon="exclamation-circle-fill" variant="info"></b-icon>
<b-icon icon="exclamation-circle-fill" variant="primary"></b-icon>
<b-icon icon="exclamation-circle-fill" variant="secondary"></b-icon>
<b-icon icon="exclamation-circle-fill" variant="dark"></b-icon>
You can also use custom CSS to set the icon color, either via direct style
attribute, or via custom classes:
<div class="h2 mb-0">
<b-icon icon="battery-full" style="color: #7952b3;"></b-icon>
The variant
prop places the color utility class text-{variant}
on the icon's root element.
Icons have a default width and height of 1em
, which means they will scale with the size of the current font size:
<p class="h1 mb-2">Icon <b-icon icon="exclamation-circle-fill"></b-icon></p>
<p class="h2 mb-2">Icon <b-icon icon="exclamation-circle-fill"></b-icon></p>
<p class="h3 mb-2">Icon <b-icon icon="exclamation-circle-fill"></b-icon></p>
<p class="h4 mb-2">Icon <b-icon icon="exclamation-circle-fill"></b-icon></p>
<p class="h5 mb-2">Icon <b-icon icon="exclamation-circle-fill"></b-icon></p>
You can also use custom CSS to set the icon size, either via direct style
attribute, or via custom classes:
<b-icon icon="exclamation-circle" style="width: 120px; height: 120px;"></b-icon>
You can also use the prop font-scale
to scale the icon's current font size by the specified factor:
<b-icon icon="camera" font-scale="0.5"></b-icon>
<b-icon icon="camera" font-scale="1"></b-icon>
<b-icon icon="camera" font-scale="2"></b-icon>
<b-icon icon="camera" font-scale="3"></b-icon>
<b-icon icon="camera" font-scale="4"></b-icon>
<b-icon icon="camera" font-scale="5"></b-icon>
<b-icon icon="camera" font-scale="7.5"></b-icon>
Also see the scaling transforms section below for additional sizing options.
With the use of Bootstrap's border, background and padding utility classes, you can create various styling effects:
<div style="font-size: 4rem;">
<b-icon icon="bell-fill" class="border rounded p-2"></b-icon>
<b-icon icon="bell-fill" class="border border-info rounded p-2" variant="info"></b-icon>
<b-icon icon="bell-fill" class="rounded-circle bg-danger p-2" variant="light"></b-icon>
<b-icon icon="unlock-fill" class="rounded bg-primary p-1" variant="light"></b-icon>
BootstrapVue icons provide several props for applying basic SVG transforms to the <svg>
. All transforms can be combined for added effect. Note that the transforms are applied to the <svg>
content and not the <svg>
bounding box.
Flip the icon horizontally and/or vertically via the flip-h
and flip-v
<div style="font-size: 4rem;">
<b-icon icon="bar-chart-fill"></b-icon>
<b-icon icon="bar-chart-fill" flip-h></b-icon>
<b-icon icon="bar-chart-fill" flip-v></b-icon>
<b-icon icon="bar-chart-fill" flip-h flip-v></b-icon>
Rotate the icon by a specified number of degrees via the rotate
prop. Positive values will rotate the icon clockwise, while negative values will rotate the icon counterclockwise.
<div style="font-size: 4rem;">
<b-icon icon="camera"></b-icon>
<b-icon icon="camera" rotate="45"></b-icon>
<b-icon icon="camera" rotate="90"></b-icon>
<b-icon icon="camera" rotate="180"></b-icon>
<b-icon icon="camera" rotate="270"></b-icon>
<b-icon icon="camera" rotate="-45"></b-icon>
Note that any flipping is performed before the rotation is applied.
Scale the icon by any positive factor via the scale
prop. Note this changes the icon's visual size but not its physical font size. To illustrate this we have added a background color to the icons.
<b-row cols="2" cols-sm="4" class="text-center" style="font-size: 4rem;">
<b-col class="mb-2">
<b-icon icon="exclamation-circle" scale="0.5" class="bg-info"></b-icon>
<b-col class="mb-2">
<b-icon icon="exclamation-circle" class="bg-info"></b-icon>
<b-col class="mb-2">
<b-icon icon="exclamation-circle" scale="1.5" class="bg-info"></b-icon>
<b-col class="mb-2">
<b-icon icon="exclamation-circle" scale="2" class="bg-info"></b-icon>
If you need to have the background and/or border scale with the icon, use the font-scale
prop instead.
Shifting affects icon location without changing or moving the svg container. To move icons on the horizontal and/or vertical axis, use the shift-h
and shift-v
props with any arbitrary numeric value, including decimals.
For shift-v
, positive values will move the icon upwards, while negative values will move the icon downwards. For shift-h
, positive values will move the icon to the right, while negative values will move it left. Both props accept values that are in units of 1/16em (relative to the icon's current font size).
For clarity in the example, we’ve added a background color on the icon so you can see the effect.
<b-row cols="2" cols-sm="4" class="text-center" style="font-size: 4rem;">
<b-col class="py-4 mb-2">
<b-icon icon="exclamation-circle" class="bg-info"></b-icon>
<b-col class="py-4 mb-2">
<b-icon icon="exclamation-circle" shift-v="8" class="bg-info"></b-icon>
<b-col class="py-4 mb-2">
<b-icon icon="exclamation-circle" shift-v="-8" class="bg-info"></b-icon>
<b-col class="py-4 mb-2">
<b-icon icon="exclamation-circle" shift-h="8" class="bg-info"></b-icon>
<b-col class="py-4 mb-2">
<b-icon icon="exclamation-circle" shift-h="-8" class="bg-info"></b-icon>
<b-col class="py-4 mb-2">
<b-icon icon="exclamation-circle" shift-v="16" class="bg-info"></b-icon>
<b-col class="py-4 mb-2">
<b-icon icon="exclamation-circle" shift-h="-8" shift-v="-8" class="bg-info"></b-icon>
<b-col class="py-4 mb-2">
Shifting is applied after any rotation transforms. As with scaling, backgrounds and borders are not affected. If you need to shift the border/background with the icon, use Bootstrap's margin spacing utility classes.
Animated icons
BootstrapVue includes the following built-in animations for icons:
slides the icon left-right 'cylon-vertical'
slides the icon up-down 'fade'
fades the icon in and out 2.12.0+ 'spin'
smoothly spins the icon clockwise 'spin-reverse'
smoothly spins the icon counter-clockwise 'spin-pulse'
spins the icon clockwise, but in a pulsed step style 'spin-reverse-pulse'
spins the icon counter-clockwise, but in a pulsed step style 'throb'
scales the icon in and out 2.12.0+
To use the animation, set the animation
prop to one of the animation names above.
<b-row class="text-md-center">
<b-col md="6" class="mb-3">
<p>Cylon animation:</p>
<b-icon icon="three-dots" animation="cylon" font-scale="4"></b-icon>
<b-col md="6" class="mb-3">
<p>Vertical cylon animation:</p>
<b-icon icon="three-dots-vertical" animation="cylon-vertical" font-scale="4"></b-icon>
<b-col md="6" class="mb-3">
<p>Fade animation:</p>
<b-icon icon="star-fill" animation="fade" font-scale="4"></b-icon>
<b-col md="6" class="mb-3">
<p>Spinning animation:</p>
<b-icon icon="arrow-clockwise" animation="spin" font-scale="4"></b-icon>
<b-col md="6" class="mb-3">
<p>Reverse spinning animation:</p>
<b-icon icon="arrow-counterclockwise" animation="spin-reverse" font-scale="4"></b-icon>
<b-col md="6" class="mb-3">
<p>Pulsing spin animation:</p>
<b-icon icon="arrow-clockwise" animation="spin-pulse" font-scale="4"></b-icon>
<b-col md="6" class="mb-3">
<p>Reversed pulsing spin animation:</p>
<b-icon icon="arrow-counterclockwise" animation="spin-reverse-pulse" font-scale="4"></b-icon>
<b-col md="6" class="mb-3">
<p>Throb animation:</p>
<b-icon icon="circle-fill" animation="throb" font-scale="4"></b-icon>
As the animations are CSS based, they are applied after any SVG transforms have taken place:
<div class="p-4">
<b-icon icon="clock" animation="spin" font-scale="4" shift-v="8"></b-icon>
The BootstrapVue defined icon animation effects require BootstrapVue's custom CSS. The animation
prop translates to the class name b-icon-animation-{animationName}
Need a different style animation? Just create a custom class defining the animation, and apply that class to the icon component, or create a new animation class in the form of b-icon-animation-{animationName}
and pass the custom animation name to the animation
Animation notes:
Stacking icons
Combine icons together via the use of the component <b-iconstack>
and the stacked
prop on individual icons (<b-icon>
or <b-icon-{icon-name}>
) to create complex icons:
<b-iconstack font-scale="5">
<b-icon stacked icon="camera" variant="info" scale="0.75"></b-icon>
<b-icon stacked icon="slash-circle" variant="danger"></b-icon>
<b-iconstack font-scale="5" rotate="90">
<b-icon stacked icon="chevron-right" shift-h="-4" variant="danger"></b-icon>
<b-icon stacked icon="chevron-right" shift-h="0" variant="success"></b-icon>
<b-icon stacked icon="chevron-right" shift-h="4" variant="primary"></b-icon>
<b-iconstack font-scale="5">
<b-icon stacked icon="circle-fill" variant="info"></b-icon>
<b-icon stacked icon="bell-fill" scale="0.5" variant="white"></b-icon>
<b-icon stacked icon="circle" variant="danger"></b-icon>
<b-iconstack font-scale="5" variant="white">
<b-icon stacked icon="square-fill" variant="dark"></b-icon>
<b-icon stacked icon="arrow-up-short" scale="0.5" shift-v="3" shift-h="-3"></b-icon>
<b-icon stacked icon="arrow-up-short" scale="0.5" shift-v="3" shift-h="3" rotate="90"></b-icon>
<b-icon stacked icon="arrow-up-short" scale="0.5" shift-v="-3" shift-h="3" rotate="180"></b-icon>
<b-icon stacked icon="arrow-up-short" scale="0.5" shift-v="-3" shift-h="-3" rotate="270"></b-icon>
<b-iconstack font-scale="5">
<b-icon stacked icon="square"></b-icon>
<b-icon stacked icon="check"></b-icon>
<b-iconstack font-scale="5">
<b-icon stacked icon="square"></b-icon>
<b-icon stacked icon="dot" shift-h="-3" shift-v="4"></b-icon>
<b-icon stacked icon="dot" shift-h="-3"></b-icon>
<b-icon stacked icon="dot" shift-h="-3" shift-v="-4"></b-icon>
<b-icon stacked icon="dot" shift-h="3" shift-v="4"></b-icon>
<b-icon stacked icon="dot" shift-h="3"></b-icon>
<b-icon stacked icon="dot" shift-h="3" shift-v="-4"></b-icon>
supports the same variant
, font-size
, animation
and transformation props available on individual icons.
Stacked icon notes:
- Remember to set the
prop on the inner icon components! - The
prop cannot be used on the inner icon components - The
and height
attributes cannot be applied to the inner icon components - Stacked icons cannot be stacked inside another
Stacked icon animation
The <b-iconstack>
component supports the same animations as individual icons:
<b-iconstack font-scale="5" animation="spin">
<b-icon stacked icon="camera" variant="info" scale="0.75" shift-v="-0.25"></b-icon>
<b-icon stacked icon="slash-circle" variant="danger"></b-icon>
Individual icons within the icon stack can also be animated (except on IE 11):
<b-iconstack font-scale="5" animation="cylon">
- IE 11 does not support animation of child elements within an SVG, hence only the
component can be animated. The child icon(s) animation will not be visible to IE 11 users. - The BootstrapVue defined animation effects of this component is dependent on the
media query. See the reduced motion section of our accessibility documentation for additional details.
Using in components
Easily place icons as content in other components.
Note that icons placed in BootstrapVue components use BootstrapVue's custom CSS for additional styling compensation due to current issues with Bootstrap Icons <svg>
alignment implementation, and for additional aesthetic scaling (icons placed in the components listed below will have their font scaled by 125%).
<b-button size="sm" class="mb-2">
<b-icon icon="gear-fill" aria-hidden="true"></b-icon> Settings
<b-button variant="primary" class="mb-2">
Pay now <b-icon icon="credit-card" aria-hidden="true"></b-icon>
<b-button variant="outline-info" class="mb-2">
<b-icon icon="power" aria-hidden="true"></b-icon> Logout
<b-button size="lg" variant="primary" class="mb-2">
<b-icon icon="question-circle-fill" aria-label="Help"></b-icon>
<b-button variant="outline-primary">
<b-icon icon="tools"></b-icon> Settings
<b-button variant="outline-primary">
<b-icon icon="person-fill"></b-icon> Account
<b-button variant="outline-primary">
<b-icon icon="inbox-fill"></b-icon> Messages
<b-button-group class="mr-1">
<b-button title="Save file">
<b-icon icon="cloud-upload" aria-hidden="true"></b-icon>
<b-button title="Load file">
<b-icon icon="cloud-download" aria-hidden="true"></b-icon>
<b-button title="New document">
<b-icon icon="file-earmark" aria-hidden="true"></b-icon>
<b-button-group class="mr-1">
<b-button title="Align left">
<b-icon icon="text-left" aria-hidden="true"></b-icon>
<b-button title="Align center">
<b-icon icon="text-center" aria-hidden="true"></b-icon>
<b-button title="Align right">
<b-icon icon="text-right" aria-hidden="true"></b-icon>
<b-button title="Bold">
<b-icon icon="type-bold" aria-hidden="true"></b-icon>
<b-button title="Italic">
<b-icon icon="type-italic" aria-hidden="true"></b-icon>
<b-button title="Underline">
<b-icon icon="type-underline" aria-hidden="true"></b-icon>
<b-button title="Strikethrough">
<b-icon icon="type-strikethrough" aria-hidden="true"></b-icon>
<b-input-group size="sm" class="mb-2">
<b-input-group-prepend is-text>
<b-icon icon="search"></b-icon>
<b-form-input type="search" placeholder="Search terms"></b-form-input>
<b-input-group class="mb-2">
<b-input-group-prepend is-text>
<b-icon icon="tag-fill"></b-icon>
separator=" ,;"
placeholder="Enter new tags separated by space, comma or semicolon"
<b-input-group class="mb-2">
<b-input-group-prepend is-text>
<b-icon icon="person-fill"></b-icon>
<b-form-input type="text" placeholder="User ID"></b-form-input>
<b-input-group size="lg">
<b-input-group-prepend is-text>
<b-icon icon="envelope"></b-icon>
<b-form-input type="email" placeholder=""></b-form-input>
List Groups
<b-list-group-item class="d-flex justify-content-between align-items-center">
<b-icon icon="x-circle" scale="2" variant="danger"></b-icon>
Cras justo odio
<b-list-group-item class="d-flex justify-content-between align-items-center">
<b-icon icon="exclamation-triangle-fill" scale="2" variant="warning"></b-icon>
Dapibus ac facilisis in
<b-list-group-item class="d-flex justify-content-between align-items-center">
<b-icon icon="info-circle-fill" scale="2" variant="info"></b-icon>
Morbi leo risus
<b-list-group-item class="d-flex justify-content-between align-items-center">
<b-icon icon="check-square" scale="2" variant="success"></b-icon>
Incididunt veniam velit
<b-dropdown variant="primary">
<template #button-content>
<b-icon icon="gear-fill" aria-hidden="true"></b-icon> Settings
<b-icon icon="lock-fill" aria-hidden="true"></b-icon>
Locked <span class="sr-only">(Click to unlock)</span>
<b-dropdown-group header="Choose options" class="small">
<b-icon icon="blank" aria-hidden="true"></b-icon>
Option A <span class="sr-only">(Not selected)</span>
<b-icon icon="check" aria-hidden="true"></b-icon>
Option B <span class="sr-only">(Selected)</span>
<b-icon icon="blank" aria-hidden="true"></b-icon>
Option C <span class="sr-only">(Not selected)</span>
<b-dropdown-item-button>Some action</b-dropdown-item-button>
<b-dropdown-item-button>Some other action</b-dropdown-item-button>
<b-dropdown-item-button variant="danger">
<b-icon icon="trash-fill" aria-hidden="true"></b-icon>
Working with SVGs
SVGs are awesome to work with, but they do have some known quirks to work around.
- Focus handling is broken in Internet Explorer and Edge. We have added the attribute
to the <svg>
element. You can override this by setting the attribute focusable="false"
on the icon component. - Browsers inconsistently announce SVGs as
tags with voice assistance. Hence, we have added added the attributes role="img"
and alt="icon"
. You can override these attributes if needed. - Safari skips
when used on non-focusable SVGs. As such, use the attribute aria-hidden="true"
when using the icon and use CSS to visually hide the equivalent label.
Use the explorer below to search and browse the available icons.