All property default values are globally configurable.
Property (Click to sort ascending) | Type (Click to sort ascending) | Default | Description |
bg-color | String | CSS color to use as the opaque overlay backdrop color. If set, overrides the `variant` prop | |
blur | String | '2px' | Value for the CSS blur backdrop-filter. Be sure to include the CSS units. Not supported in IE 11. Set to null or an empty string to disable blurring |
fixed | Boolean | false | When prop `no-wrap` is set, will use fixed positioning instead of absolute positioning. Handy if you want to obscure the entire application page |
no-center | Boolean | false | When set, disables the vertical and horizontal centering of the overlay content |
no-fade | Boolean | false | Disables the fade transition of the overlay |
no-wrap | Boolean | false | Disabled generating the wrapper element, and ignored the default slot. Requires that `<b-overlay>` be placed in an element with position relative set |
opacity | Number or String | 0.85 | Opacity of the overlay backdrop. Valid range is `0` to `1` |
overlay-tag | String | 'div' | Element tag to use as for the overlay element |
rounded | Boolean or String | false | Apply rounding to the overlay to match your content routing. Valid values are `true`, `'sm'`, `lg`, `circle`, `pill`, `top`, `right`, `bottom`, or `left` |
show | Boolean | false | When set, shows the overlay |
spinner-small | Boolean | false | When set, renders the default spinner in a smaller size |
spinner-type | String | 'border' | Type of the default spinner to show. Current supported types are 'border' and 'grow' |
spinner-variant | String | Applies one of the Bootstrap theme color variants to the default spinner. Default is to use the current font color | |
variant | String | 'light' | Background theme color variant to use for the overlay backdrop |
wrap-tag | String | 'div' | Element tag to use for the overall wrapper element. Has no effect if prop `no-wrap` is set |
z-index | Number or String | 10 | Z-index value to apply to the overlay. You may need to increase this value to suit your content or placement |