All property default values are globally configurable.
Property (Click to sort ascending) | Type (Click to sort ascending) | Default | Description |
active | Boolean | false | When set to `true`, places the component in the active state with active styling |
active-class | String | <router-link> prop: Configure the active CSS class applied when the link is active. Typically you will want to set this to class name 'active' | |
append | Boolean | false | <router-link> prop: Setting append prop always appends the relative path to the current path |
disabled | Boolean | false | When set to `true`, disables the component's functionality and places it in a disabled state |
exact | Boolean | false | <router-link> prop: The default active class matching behavior is inclusive match. Setting this prop forces the mode to exactly match the route |
exact-active-class | String | <router-link> prop: Configure the active CSS class applied when the link is active with exact match. Typically you will want to set this to class name 'active' | |
exact-path | Boolean | false | <router-link> prop: Allows matching only using the path section of the url, effectively ignoring the query and the hash sections |
exact-path-active-class | String | <router-link> prop: Configure the active CSS class applied when the link is active with exact path match. Typically you will want to set this to class name 'active' | |
href | String | <b-link> prop: Denotes the target URL of the link for standard a links | |
no-prefetch | Boolean | false | <nuxt-link> prop: To improve the responsiveness of your Nuxt.js applications, when the link will be displayed within the viewport, Nuxt.js will automatically prefetch the code splitted page. Setting `no-prefetch` will disabled this feature for the specific link |
pill | Boolean | false | When set to 'true', renders the badge in pill style |
prefetch v2.15.0+ | Boolean | null | <nuxt-link> prop: To improve the responsiveness of your Nuxt.js applications, when the link will be displayed within the viewport, Nuxt.js will automatically prefetch the code splitted page. Setting `prefetch` to `true` or `false` will overwrite the default value of `router.prefetchLinks` |
rel | String | null | <b-link> prop: Sets the `rel` attribute on the rendered link |
replace | Boolean | false | <router-link> prop: Setting the replace prop will call `router.replace()` instead of `router.push()` when clicked, so the navigation will not leave a history record |
router-component-name v2.15.0+ | String | <b-link> prop: BootstrapVue auto detects between `<router-link>` and `<nuxt-link>`. In cases where you want to use a 3rd party link component based on `<router-link>`, set this prop to the component name. e.g. set it to 'g-link' if you are using Gridsome (note only `<router-link>` specific props are passed to the component) | |
tag | String | 'span' | Specify the HTML tag to render instead of the default tag |
target | String | '_self' | <b-link> prop: Sets the `target` attribute on the rendered link |
to | Object or String | <router-link> prop: Denotes the target route of the link. When clicked, the value of the to prop will be passed to `router.push()` internally, so the value can be either a string or a Location descriptor object | |
variant | String | 'secondary' | Applies one of the Bootstrap theme color variants to the component |
supports generating
component (if using Nuxt.js).
For more details on the router link (or nuxt link) specific props, see the
Router support
reference section.