Component aliases
can also be used via the following aliases:
Note: component aliases are only available when importing all of BootstrapVue or using the component group plugin.
For cross browser consistency, <b-form-checkbox-group>
and <b-form-checkbox>
use Bootstrap's custom checkbox input to replace the browser default checkbox input. It is built on top of semantic and accessible markup, so it is a solid replacement for the default checkbox input.
Component aliases
can also be used via the following aliases:
Note: component aliases are only available when importing all of BootstrapVue or using the component group plugin.
All property default values are globally configurable.
Property (Click to sort ascending) | Type (Click to sort ascending) | Default | Description |
aria-invalid | Boolean or String | false | Sets the 'aria-invalid' attribute value on the wrapper element. When not provided, the 'state' prop will control the attribute |
autofocus | Boolean | false | When set to `true`, attempts to auto-focus the control when it is mounted, or re-activated when in a keep-alive. Does not set the `autofocus` attribute on the control |
button-variant | String | Specifies the Bootstrap contextual color theme variant the apply to the button style checkboxes | |
buttons | Boolean | false | When set, renderes the checkboxes in this group with button styling |
checked v-model | Array | [] | The current value of the checked checkboxes in the group. Must be an array when there are multiple checkboxes |
disabled | Boolean | false | When set to `true`, disables the component's functionality and places it in a disabled state |
disabled-field | String | 'disabled' | Field name in the `options` array that should be used for the disabled state |
form | String | ID of the form that the form control belongs to. Sets the `form` attribute on the control | |
html-field Use with caution | String | 'html' | Field name in the `options` array that should be used for the html label instead of text field |
id | String | Used to set the `id` attribute on the rendered content, and used as the base to generate any additional element IDs as needed | |
name | String | Sets the value of the `name` attribute on the form control | |
options | Array or Object | [] | Array of items to render in the component |
plain | Boolean | false | Render the form control in plain mode, rather than custom styled mode |
required | Boolean | false | Adds the `required` attribute to the form control |
size | String | Set the size of the component's appearance. 'sm', 'md' (default), or 'lg' | |
stacked | Boolean | false | When set, renders the checkbox group in stacked mode |
state | Boolean | null | Controls the validation state appearance of the component. `true` for valid, `false` for invalid, or `null` for no validation state |
switches | Boolean | false | When set, renders the checkboxes in the group with switch styling |
text-field | String | 'text' | Field name in the `options` array that should be used for the text label |
validated | Boolean | false | When set, adds the Bootstrap class 'was-validated' to the group wrapper |
value-field | String | 'value' | Field name in the `options` array that should be used for the value |
Caution: Props that support HTML strings
) can be vulnerable to
Cross Site Scripting (XSS) attacks
when passed raw user supplied values. You must properly
the user input first!
Property | Event |
checked | input |
Name | Description |
default | Content (form checkboxes) to place in the form checkbox group |
first | Slot to place b-form-checks so that they appear before checks generated from options prop |
Event | Arguments | Description |
change |
| Emitted when selected value(s) is changed due to user interaction |
input |
| Emitted when the checked value is changed |
Component aliases
can also be used via the following aliases:
Note: component aliases are only available when importing all of BootstrapVue or using the component group plugin.
All property default values are globally configurable.
Property (Click to sort ascending) | Type (Click to sort ascending) | Default | Description |
aria-label | String | Sets the value of `aria-label` attribute on the rendered element | |
aria-labelledby | String | The ID of the element that provides a label for this component. Used as the value for the `aria-labelledby` attribute | |
autofocus | Boolean | false | When set to `true`, attempts to auto-focus the control when it is mounted, or re-activated when in a keep-alive. Does not set the `autofocus` attribute on the control |
button | Boolean | false | When set, renders the checkbox with the appearance of a button |
button-variant | String | Applies on of Bootstrap's theme colors when in 'button' mode | |
checked v-model | Any | null | The current value of the checkbox(es). Must be an array when there are multiple checkboxes bound to the same v-model |
disabled | Boolean | false | When set to `true`, disables the component's functionality and places it in a disabled state |
form | String | ID of the form that the form control belongs to. Sets the `form` attribute on the control | |
id | String | Used to set the `id` attribute on the rendered content, and used as the base to generate any additional element IDs as needed | |
indeterminate | Boolean | false | Renders the checkbox in an indeterminate state. Syncable via the .sync modifier |
inline | Boolean | false | When set, renders the checkbox as an inline element rather than as a 100% width block |
name | String | Sets the value of the `name` attribute on the form control | |
plain | Boolean | false | Render the form control in plain mode, rather than custom styled mode |
required | Boolean | false | Adds the `required` attribute to the form control |
size | String | Set the size of the component's appearance. 'sm', 'md' (default), or 'lg' | |
state | Boolean | null | Controls the validation state appearance of the component. `true` for valid, `false` for invalid, or `null` for no validation state |
switch | Boolean | false | When set, renders the checkbox with the appearance of a switch |
unchecked-value | Any | false | Value returned when this checkbox is unchecked. Note not applicable when multiple checkboxes bound to the same v-model array |
value | Any | true | Value returned when this checkbox is checked |
Property | Event |
checked | input |
Name | Description |
default | Content to place in the form checkbox |
Event | Arguments | Description |
change |
| Emitted when selected value(s) is changed due to user interaction |
input |
| Emitted when the selected value(s) is changed |
You can import individual components into your project via the following named exports:
Component | Named Export | Import Path |
<b-form-checkbox-group> | BFormCheckboxGroup | bootstrap-vue |
<b-form-checkbox> | BFormCheckbox | bootstrap-vue |
import { BFormCheckboxGroup } from 'bootstrap-vue' Vue.component('b-form-checkbox-group', BFormCheckboxGroup)
This plugin includes all of the above listed individual components. Plugins also include any component aliases.
Named Export | Import Path |
FormCheckboxPlugin | bootstrap-vue |
import { FormCheckboxPlugin } from 'bootstrap-vue' Vue.use(FormCheckboxPlugin)